Tuesday, 9 September 2014

                  Handle to a SharedPreferences

You can create a new shared preference file or access an existing one by calling one of two methods:
  • getSharedPreferences() — Use this if you need multiple shared preference files identified by name, which you specify with the first parameter. You can call this from any Context in your app.
  • getPreferences() — Use this from an Activity if you need to use only one shared preference file for the activity. Because this retrieves a default shared preference file that belongs to the activity, you don't need to supply a name.
SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Caution: If you create a shared preferences file with MODE_WORLD_READABLE or MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, then any other apps that know the file identifier can access your data.

Write to Shared Preferences

To write to a shared preferences file, create a SharedPreferences.Editor by calling edit() on yourSharedPreferences.
Pass the keys and values you want to write with methods such as putInt() and putString(). Then callcommit() to save the changes. For example:
SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
editor.putInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), newHighScore);

Read from Shared Preferences

To retrieve values from a shared preferences file, call methods such as getInt() and getString(), providing the key for the value you want, and optionally a default value to return if the key isn't present. For example:
SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int defaultValue = getResources().getInteger(R.string.saved_high_score_default);
long highScore = sharedPref.getInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), defaultValue);

Available mode for shared preference:


Store,Fetch,Remove,Clear Data from SharedPreferences.

/******* Create SharedPreferences *******/
    SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("MyPref", MODE_PRIVATE);
    Editor editor = pref.edit();
/**************** Storing data as KEY/VALUE pair *******************/
    editor.putBoolean("key_name1", true);           // Saving boolean - true/false
    editor.putInt("key_name2", "int value");        // Saving integer
    editor.putFloat("key_name3", "float value");    // Saving float
    editor.putLong("key_name4", "long value");      // Saving long
    editor.putString("key_name5", "string value");  // Saving string
    // Save the changes in SharedPreferences
    editor.commit(); // commit changes
/**************** Get SharedPreferences data *******************/
// If value for key not exist then return second param value - In this case null
    pref.getBoolean("key_name1", null);         // getting boolean
    pref.getInt("key_name2", null);             // getting Integer
    pref.getFloat("key_name3", null);           // getting Float
    pref.getLong("key_name4", null);            // getting Long
    pref.getString("key_name5", null);          // getting String
/************ Deleting Key value from SharedPreferences *****************/
    editor.remove("key_name3"); // will delete key key_name3
    editor.remove("key_name4"); // will delete key key_name4
    // Save the changes in SharedPreferences
    editor.commit(); // commit changes
/************ Clear all data from SharedPreferences *****************/  
     editor.commit(); // commit changes

we create shared preference fileto save currrent state of activity
for example:
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences(file_name,MODE).edit();
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPreferences(MODE).edit(); // editing data stored in default preference file
//store data that we want to persist using edit.putString(TAG,VALUE),edit.putInt(TAG,VALUE)
Now , whenever activity is restarted restore the persistent state by specifying the preference file used for storing persistent data when activity is in its resume state
for example :
SharedPreferences pref = getSharedPreferences(file_name,MODE);
SharedPreferences pref = getPreferences(MODE); // used for storing data in default preference file
//retrieve the state using pref.getString(TAG) or pref.getInt(TAG,DEFAULTVALUE)

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