To change the .apk install location in android mobile.
You download android SDK tools from this link Android ADT Bundle -linux
You download android SDK tools from this link android adt bundle -windows
Before you connected your system you do one step in your android mobile setting option:
goto-->settings-->developer options -->enable (debug connnection )
Step :2 :-
1. Windows
- Open the folder called " platform-tools"
- shift+right-click anywhere inside the folder and choose [Open Command Window Here]
2. Mac
- right-click the folder called "platform-tools" and choose [New Terminal At Folder]
3. linux min 15:
right-click the folder called "platform-tools" and choose [New Terminal At Folder]
2. Enter in the following
For Windows :
1 . adb devices
For Windows :
1 . adb devices
adb shell pm set-install-location 2
adb shell pm get-install-location
For Mac : (note - there is a period before the slashes)
./adb devices
./adb shell pm set-install-location 2
./adb shell pm get-install-location
3. Check if you did it right
- if you did it right, the last output should say: 2 [external]
If you did it right, CONGRATS! Your phone will now install your apps to your SD Card by default! Have fun now!
Re-setting the installation location back to auto
I'd strongly recommend re-setting the default installation location when you are done moving apps. The reason for this is that apps will fail to be installed directly to the external location, at least this is what I experienced when trying to re-install the twitter app.To reset the install location to automatic (let the system decide) use the following:
./adb shell pm setInstallLocation 0
Should you forget where it was left at you can always run: ./adb shell pm getInstallLocation
$ ./adb shell pm getInstallLocation